24 January

CIGSS, Day 1

Symposium with government agencies, industry representatives, academic world and invited speakers


Registration opens / Mont Terri Visitor Centre


Welcome address

Christophe Nussbaum (swisstopo)

09:10 - 10:30

Session 1 / Geological carbon storage in Switzerland: current status and next steps

Chair: Christophe Nussbaum (swisstopo)


Establishing CO2-Storage in Switzerland

Martin Jiskra (Swiss Federal Office for the Environment)

Christian Minnig (Swiss Federal Office of Energy)


Current and planned activities of the Swiss Geological Survey in the context of the geological carbon storage

David Jaeggi (swisstopo)

Herfried Madritsch (swisstopo)


Hard to abate sectors – how do we manage the challenge for the net zero target in climate policy on the way to 2025?

Robin Quartier (VBSA)

Stefan Vannoni (cemsuisse)


From caprock integrity to system integration. Lessons for siting of CO2 storage locations

Thomas Flüeler (ETHZ)


Coffee break

11:00 - 12:40

Session 2 / Geological carbon storage worldwide: Insights from research organisations

Chair: Jens Birkholzer (LBNL/US DOE)


How CCS can benefit from CO2-Plume Geothermal (CPG)

Martin Saar (ETHZ)


Experiments of Fault Zone Activation in Caprock Analogs: Implications for CO2 Sequestration

Yves Guglielmi (LBNL/US DOE)



Storing Swiss CO2 in Iceland and Switzerland – Insights from DemoUpCarma and beyond

Stefan Wiemer (SED-ETHZ)


Multi-disciplinary monitoring of the Ketzin CO2 pilot site as successful concept for storage integrity assessment

Michael Kühn (GFZ, Helmholtz)



13:45 - 15:00

Session 3 / Geological carbon storage worldwide: Insights from energy companies

Chair: Elin Skurtveit (NGI)


Global status of saline aquifer CO2 storage and key challenges for scale-up

Philip Ringrose (NTNU)


CO2 storage site feasibility assessment and risk-based monitoring – an industry approach

Marcella Dean (Shell)


Structural geology and fault seal studies in CO2 storage evaluations

Christopher Wibberley (TotalEnergies)


Coffee break

15:30 - 16:45

Session 4 / Gas migration in shale and role of hydrogen

Chair: Axel Liebscher (BGE)


Current issues on gas in radwaste deep geological repositories: example of Cigeo (France)

Rémi de La Vaissière (ANDRA)


Microbial hydrogen transformations in the deep subsurface

Rizlan Bernier-Latmani (EPFL)


Exploration of natural hydrogen 

Eric Gaucher (Lavoisier H2 Geoconsult)


Panel discussion

Jens Birkholzer (LBNL)

Marcella Dean (Shell)

Martin Jiskra (BAFU)

Michael Kühn (GFZ, Helmholtz)

Philip Ringrose (NTNU)

Martin Saar (ETHZ)

Stefan Vannoni (cemsuisse)

Moderators: Gabriela von Goerne (BGR) & Christophe Nussbaum (swisstopo)





Transfer to dinner